Friday, March 19, 2010

Flu Bug Got Me...

so I have been down and still am for a few days. I will post again as soon as I feel up to trying a new one out.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Macys Fashion Director

Macys Fashion Director: "

I love this outfit - check it out!"

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Test 1 Day 5

This blew! Nothing to report since nothing happened. I am very glad that it is over and I can move on to the next test. My sister asked me if I was really testing like I wrote and I got to thinking that I should stress that, yes I am!

OK, so on to the next test which will be based on strawberries since I happen to have those on hand lol. This one will have to wait until tomorrow night though because it is St. Paddy's Day and the anniversary of my mothers death, so I plan to go get crunk!! NOT a good time to mix ingredients and test things :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Test 1 Nights 3 & 4

Well now...I have to say that I am looking forward to trying something new. This one just isn't doing anything for me :( I am already thinking about what I want to use next. The olive oil definitely makes my skin feel good and so I may use that in the next one. The sugar is a good exfoliater as I mentioned, so I might keep that one too. My next issue (when the face mask was over) was going to be bleaching your skin, since I have a spot on my face) so I might incorporate lemon juice into the next mask. Two birds with one stone right??

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Test 1 Night 3

Grrrr...nothing to report other than my irritation at nothing to report lol. Like most women I would assume, I want instant results and it is not happening. I would normally switch to something else by now but I said one week, so one week it will be! I do think that I will switch methods next week though and try only one side of my face to see if I notice a difference that way. I am just happy that I am not ruining my face and no huge breakouts yet :) Then I would have to try home made blemish remedies lol.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Test 1 Night 2

Sad to report, but nothing major has changed. I still loved the feeling when taking it off though. Added slightly more litter to it and that helped stop the dripping into my eyes...which is good since I can't write if I go blind lol! No big WOW effect yet though. I just had a horrible thought that by testing these things my skin is going to break out!! This is very likely to happen since I am cursed, but that's my other blog :) I will keep at it anyway since 'No pain, no gain', yada yada yada. I will find one that works (at least for me) before this is over!

Top 10 Items Used In Homemade Face Masks

I have listed the top 10 most popular, commonly used household items for use in homemade masks here just for you! These are not ranked by popularity though...just randomly, so pick your favorites and mix them up. A good base is the olive oil as well as just plain old water. Each item has its own properties supposedly, but since I haven't finished my testing of them yet, I will leave that for another post.

Feel free to add to it if you have a favorite not listed :)

1. Olive oil
2. Sugar
3. Avocado
4. Banana
5. Peach
6. Milk
7. Egg
8. Cat Litter
9. Strawberry
10. Lemon Juice

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Test 1 Night 1

OK so my sugar/litter/oil mask dripped into my eyes last night and stung slightly. HIGHLY recommend that you use very little oil. Skin felt good last night but not much difference today. Soooo tonight I will throw some more of the sugar in to thicken it and see how it goes. It did make a grrreeat exfoliating mask though!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How Do I Fight Aging If I Am Poor

SO... you cant afford a facelift or Botox? Well neither can I. However, that doesn't mean that I cannot try to fight or lessen the effects of aging anyway. This site will be all about finding ways to treat aging issues on the cheap. I will try different things that are affordable (trust that if I can buy them it HAS to be affordable!) and work; or at least for me.

My first foray into this is a homemade face mask because at the age of 41 (okay 42 within a few weeks) I want to ward off wrinkles and I have noticed some areas that are upsetting me :( I researched many recipes and took the most common ingredients as well as the old wives tales ones and decided to go to my kitchen...yup that's right, not the mall! I put some cat litter, sugar and olive oil in a bowl, mixed it up and put it on my face and neck and one arm/hand. I will keep doing this for one week and see if I notice a difference :)